Preschoolers love extremes. They’re all in, no matter what it is they’re doing. That’s what makes life with a preschooler so exciting, right? Today’s song recommendation caters beautifully to this endearing trait.

The Land of Slow Motion

This story-based song wakes you up in the Land of Slow Motion (as per the title). You spend a whole day–doing everyday things in really slow motion. I love watching 3 and 4 year olds attempt to slow down their bodies to precise, controlled motion. What a great exercise!

But, the title only shares half of the story. After a long day in the Land of Slow Motion, the music changes dramatically, and suddenly, you’re waking up in the Land of Fast Motion. This time, it’s a silly, crazy, fast-paced race through a day until you finally fall into bed, exhausted.

It’s fun all around, but also a great chance for your kids to feel the difference between slow and fast in their bodies and to discuss what “slow motion” means.

Props to the fine musicians at Wee Sing for creating this gem! It’s on their album Wee Sing and Pretend which I’ve recommended songs from before here, here, and here. (I guess I like that album, huh?)

Find it on Amazon or itunes.

 This post is part of the Handpicked Songs for Preschoolers Series.  
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