This is Week 33 of the series Handpicked Songs for Preschoolers. If you’re just joining us, I’m so glad you’re here! I provide weekly song recommendations geared specifically for preschoolers. Subscribe to get the recommendations sent directly to your email.
You’ve probably heard that it’s good to play classical music to your kids. And it is! Since much classical music doesn’t have words, I often find it challenging to incorporate it into my work with preschoolers. (Maybe you’ve found that too? Share your experience in the comments below!) I’ve found that the best classical music for this age group is connected to something else they know—an animal, a place, something they can imagine.
Today’s recommendation fits that bill perfectly!
The Flight of the Bumblebee
This is a short orchestral piece depicting the flying and buzzing of a bee (or lots of bees!). It is perfect for stirring up the imagination, for dancing, for drawing. I sometimes hand out paper and encourage my students to depict the sounds they hear. It’s a fun way to encourage the connection between music and visual art.To get their imaginations going, ask good questions as you listen with your preschooler: Is the bee flying fast or slow? Is there one bee or are there lots of bees? Why do you think the bee is in such a hurry?
There are lots of recordings of this piece. So pick any professional orchestra’s version and go to town! I use the version off of the album Dance Along, which I think has some other really great classical pieces for preschoolers. You can actually get the whole album on Amazon
for only $5.99 right now.
Other pieces I’ve recommended in the past that I’d say qualify as the best classical music for preschoolers are:
Peter and the Wolf
Carnival of the Animals
A Walk Through the Forest (a complilation of pieces)
In order to avoid relegating classical music to simply background music, take the time to include pieces like this in your listening repertoire. You’ll need to call your children’s attention to it, but it’s so worth it!