It’s time for another week (week 8!) of Handpicked Songs for Preschoolers. If you’re new to the series, the premise is simple. I’m offering a free weekly music recommendation to you.

Anyone who lives with or works with a young child knows what it feels like to hear the same thing on repeat.

While you probably can’t eliminate the possibility that you’ll hear a song more than you’d like, this series is an attempt to help expand your musical world in a fun and refreshing way.
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As a music teacher, I think today’s song is brilliantly educational AND fun. My students love singing and moving along when they hear this song come on. And, I know that they’re also practicing both musical and preschool skills.

The title says it all:

I Can Shake Then I Stop

Playing and then stopping. That’s all that happens in this song, over and over. It promotes active listening and careful body movements. And, it’s just fun. I always over-exaggerate the stopping movement, striking a dramatic pose on the word “stop”.

The verses use shaking, ringing, clicking, and tapping. If you have instruments that fit those categories, this is a great song to pull them out on. Or, you can simply shake your body, pretend to ring a bell, snap your fingers or click with your mouth, and tap a body part.

I Can Shake Then I Stop is on the album KindyRock Hoedown.

kindyrock hoedown

I’m excited for you to hear and try this song from Judi Cranston. She created and runs a preschool music program, KindyRock in New Zealand. Education is a strong priority for the music that KindyRock creates. So, if you like what you hear, take the time to check out more from Judi and the KindyRock crew.

Find I Can Shake Then I Stop on itunes.

Enjoy your week, and as always, let me know if you have thoughts, questions, or recommendations for me!